Thursday, February 7, 2013

{Adventures In} Couponing

Are you as obsessed with TLC's "Extreme Couponing" show as I am?! If you are into couponing and live in Southern California, you know that extreme couponing does not exist here. (I'm sure you can get close, but it will likely drive you crazy.) Local grocery stores no longer double coupons and now that shows like "Extreme Couponing" have become popular, retailers actually try to limit the amount of couponing one can do in a typical visit. So here's how to save a TON of money at Target - Extreme Modest Couponing Style.

General Guidelines:

  • Use both manufacture coupons and Target coupons. They can be combined for even more savings!
  • Wait until Target offers gift cards for specific items purchased. You can make money from purchasing items that you would ordinarily purchase anyway. 

Here is just a sample from a recent trip I made to Target:

Swaddlers Size 4 & 5 diapers - $37.99 each. I had 3 coupons, 2 that were from the manufacture ($3.00 off total) and 1 from Target ($1.50 off). Target had a promotion that if you bought 2 boxes, you'd receive a $20.00 gift card. Yes, you are buying $70.00 worth of diapers in one sitting, but you get a $20 gift card making your purchase $50.00.

Enfamil 23 oz. Formula - $22.99 each. I had 1 Target coupon ($5.00) off. Target had a promotion that if you bought 2 packages, you'd receive a $10.00 gift card. This makes your total $30.00!

Charmin Toilet Paper and Bounty Paper Towels - $15.99 each. I had 3 coupons, 2 that were from the manufacturer ($1.00 off total) and 1 from Target ($0.50 off). Target had a promotion that if you bought both items, you'd receive a $5.00 gift card. This makes your total $25.00!

Venus Razors - $15.59 for a 4 pk. of refill cartridges & $8.59 for a starter set. I had 2 coupons, 1 that was from the manufacturer ($5.00 off if you purchase both) and 1 from Target ($5.00 off if you purchase both). Less both coupons, that's $14.00 for 6 razors total! This is a perfect example of how using manufacturer and Target coupons can get you ridiculous savings!

So how did I do? When all was said and done, between sale prices, manufacturer coupons, Target coupons and gift cards, I saved $117.83. Holy hell, that's a lot of money!

Even though Extreme Couponing may be dead in Southern California, who says that you can't save a BOATLOAD of money anyway!

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