Wednesday, February 27, 2013

{Baby Swag} Easy Peasy Must Haves

A couple of weeks ago, I was at the park with another new mother and we started talking about different baby products that we use. She mentioned that she loves her Dr. Brown bottles, but is so sick and tired of washing every little part. I thought, less is more, my friend.  So these are just a few of the easy peasy products that I shared with her.
One - Two - Three - Four - Five

Playtex Drop-Ins System Nurser Bottles - When my husband suggested that we go with this bottle system, I thought he was crazy. Seriously, the 1980's called - they want their bottles back. Why would we go with something that's so old school when there have been tons of advances in baby bottles since? There is a reason why this system has been around for a lifetime - because it works. Baby K had really bad reflux and these were the only bottles that did not allow excess air to get into her tiny body. Yes, you always need to have the drop-in liners handy (which is kind of a negative), but it's so easy. Feed, dispose, done. 
Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bags - Sanitizing nipples (or breast pump accessories) becomes so easy with this bag. Wash items in soapy water, but in bag, microwave for a couple minutes and everything becomes sterile. You can use one bag 20 times before you toss it. Serious lifesaver, I'm telling you.
Enfamil Infant Formula Powder Single Serve - I love these "to-go" packets because there is no measuring involved (they are portion controlled - one stick equals 4 oz. of formula) and they conveniently fit into your diaper bag for easy feeding while out and about. Add water and you're done. 
Plum Organics Baby Food - Now, I have not used this brand of baby food just yet (but I will when Baby K gets used to the idea). I love how it's in a squeezable pouch, which is so easy to feed baby while on the go. 
Plum Organics Dispensing Spoon by Boon - This product affixes to the Plum Organics pouch for feeding your very little ones on the go. Additionally, Boon makes a dispensing spoon where you put the baby food into the handle and it dispenses from actual spoon. *Side Note - Munchkin makes one too. I do not love it.* By marrying the dispensing spoon straight to the pouch, feeding time just became much less messy and so much easier! 

These are just a few products that I've come across. I'd love to know other Easy Peasy products out there! 

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