Wednesday, April 24, 2013

{Adventures In} Life

I'll admit it, I've been horrible at blogging lately. First it started with being busy with buying a new car. Then I got sick. And then, happens. You know when you have a million things going on and nothing works out? Baby K has been too tall for her car seat for a long time. The husband and I did A TON of research (like weeks worth) and finally decided on the Britax Pavillion. We got the car seat, took it out, and put it in the car only to realize that it's not really made for my car. Unless you want to do the Australian method of tethering, which I don't suggest anyone do...not even if you are Australian. Seriously, look it up. So impractical. Anyway, so now we are back to square one. I think we settled on a Chicco Nextfit, but it is not available for purchase for another week. I know, don't get all crazy, it's only a week. But still. You know when you have your mind set on something and you can't do it?! Ya, drives me bat shit crazy.

 Next up, Baby K's birthday is a mere 3 months away. So naturally, I've been pinning away on Pinterest trying to put together the most spectacular 1st birthday party ever. (Inspiration board to follow).  So far, I've found a vintage high chair that I'm going to paint (post to follow), I've started making a fabric ribbon garland for said high chair (tutorial to follow) and I know what the favor bags will look like. Only problem is, we have no place to have her party. We had originally considered a place near my in-law's home, but that might prove to be too expensive. We considered a park near our home, but there is no shady areas to set up and in late-July, that is necessary. We considered a restaurant, but the expense for that will get out of hand. Lastly, we considered our home, but it's the size of a shoe box, so that won't work. UGH. So, the pinning continues while I lose my mind try to figure out where to have it.

Oh, and I can't seem to get my gallery wall together.

I know these are all trivial things and in the grand scheme of things, they are very insignificant. There are people dealing with MUCH worse than me. I get it.

On the bright side, Baby is thiiiiiiiiiiiis close to crawling.

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